"I have learned to love the unexpected...for in its
miraculous...here is where we are shown...events that create our lives to be
more enjoyable, more loving, more adventurous than anything we could have
planned. Why do we think we know...when we let go..and trust..the mundane of
life becomes profound...leave your concepts at the door of fate...open your
arms...today is a good day."
~Marlise Karlin
Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Mr. Harold and I celebrated 6 months
marriage. We are so excited that God has brought us thus far even
though a lot of things that we have encountered in life, we ourselves don't count ourselves worthy enough to have these miracles :-)
In these 6 months of marriage, I honestly believe that our
questions of why so soon, why us, or just questions that we both have
wondered about were answered.........
miraculous...here is where we are shown...events that create our lives to be
more enjoyable, more loving, more adventurous than anything we could have
planned. Why do we think we know...when we let go..and trust..the mundane of
life becomes profound...leave your concepts at the door of fate...open your
arms...today is a good day."
~Marlise Karlin
Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Mr. Harold and I celebrated 6 months
marriage. We are so excited that God has brought us thus far even
though a lot of things that we have encountered in life, we ourselves don't count ourselves worthy enough to have these miracles :-)
In these 6 months of marriage, I honestly believe that our
questions of why so soon, why us, or just questions that we both have
wondered about were answered.........
As stated before I was married in July 19, 2009. We were suppose to go on our honeymoon the following day, but were unable to because at the hubby had to return to work. (The school was in the process of hiring a new princple, in the meantime, they had an intern principle) Which was fine for me because the most important part of the marriage is us becoming one so the honeymoon can happen anytime, right? So we return to Baton Rouge and things were lovely. We are both adapting to our new life, enjoying that when hubby returns home from work we can both be with each other and tell each other about our day. Around the last week of July, beginning of August, teachers were being fired because of the "transition". So we went on a fast and prayed. Didn't know what was going to happen but all in all we knew that God was in control. In the midst of teachers being laid off or being transferred to different schools, hubby was promoted to Dean of Students!!!! (Miracle 1)
Even though hubby wasn't in the number to be laid off or to be transferred, God had not laid on his heart to stop fasting. So we continued....
As the school year started things began to get tough. The position that hubby held was alright but at the same time, very stressful on top of coaching a football team that was very promising for the upcoming season. (The Lord laid it on hubby's heart to stop fasting.) In the middle of August maybe towards the end of the month, teachers and people in upper positions began to rear their ugly heads. The intern principle accuse the head coach, my hubby, and another coach of threatening teachers and having them change grades so that some kids that were ineligible (the starter players who were being looked at by colleges) could play. These people went so far as to getting teachers to write false statements against these coaches. In result, until the case was further investigated, they were put on PAID administrative leave until the end of the investigation. This was a tough one because hubby loved these boys and worked with these boys for the whole summer and sacrificed a lot to make sure these kids was studying the way they were suppose to to bring their grades up. (If you didn't know, in the south, FOOTBALL IS RELIGION and if someone sees success with a team and they are jealous, they will find a way to do something about it. Sometimes they succeed, and sometimes they don't.)
While hubby was on leave, he wasn't getting sleep. (I thought was related to the situation at work and maybe we needed to get away for a weekend) The first weekend in October, we went to Alabama for the Gulf Coast Classic and to see family. We had fun and it was exciting! Around that Monday, his mom noticed Larry (hubby) having problems sleeping and his congestion. She suggested that he goes to doctor to get check out (hubby hates the doctors!!!!!). So that Wednesday, we went to a doctor in Alabama. So we're thinking maybe at the worst he may have pneumonia. Well, needless to say, it was worst than we thought! Hubby had an enlarged heart that was over his ribs and his heart was struggling to pump!!!! The doctor told us to go straight to admittance and his room would be ready. (The first thing that popped in my head was to pray, not to panic. I was silent the whole way to the hospital, praying that ultimately that Gods will be done but that my better whole was alright!)
We get to the hospital and they're running test. (If you know my husband, he makes a joke on everything.) So while in the hospital he is making jokes and also hating the fact that he is in a hospital bed. They came back with results saying the same thing the doctor said and temporarily diagnosed him with Congestive Heart Failure. His heart was only pumping at 20% so they kept him to run more test to see whats going on and what they would have to do. So about 2 days go by, and they want to do a Left Heart Cauterization to see whats going on. He has the procedure and afterwards you know they doctor that does the procedure does the consultation with the family. (So as we are sitting in the room, my heart is beating fast.) The surgeon comes in and states the worst!!!!!!!!!! He says how there is nothing they can really do because there is no blockage. He went on to say that Larry heart is damaged and the only thing they can say is they will keep him on the medications and see what happens. He said that he sees some of his cases turn around! (SOME ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!) So when he leaves, I sit there for a minute. The only thing I could think of was to go in the bathroom and pray because when I cry I can't do it in front of my husband. So I go in the bathroom and pray. Come out, walk back in the room and his aunt and sisters are crying. (Oh Lord!) So I go take a walk and call my mom to try to process everything. That's when I broke. As his aunt is hugging me my mind was thinking everything. What am I to do? We are only 2 months into our marriage....am I about to be a widow only after 2 months of marriage? This doesn't happen to young people. My husband is only 30..why him? Where is the lesson in this? How am I gonna take care of him? We don't have any children yet? Anything you can think of ran through the mind of Dani Harold.......
Two more days went by and they ruled out the congestive heart failure and said that his heart is damaged because he had a virus about 6 months prior and it settled in his heart. He had to be on a strict diet, limit his amount of fluids and activity..which meant, no coaching for a while. The cardiologist then says that he believes that he will recover as long as he stays on the medications and the diet. (Miracle 2) The reason this was a miracle is that if he had not been on leave, he would not have gone to the doctors to get checked out because he can handle it himself :-)
Before we left the hospital, he asked me if I was ready go back to Baton Rouge. I said no because Baton Rouge, almost killed me husband. (Me not knowing that God was actually using me at the moment to speak to my husband) We stayed in Alabama for about an extra week, he then asks me how do I feel about staying in Alabama for a while until God leads us elsewhere. I said I was fine with it. (I actually loved the idea because at least I knew some people in Alabama as in Baton Rouge, I really didn't know anyone.) So as soon as we left Alabama, hubby went back to the school board to hear what they decided. They couldn't find anything on him but they said he couldn't coach for the rest of the year and they transferred him to another school. The school they transferred him too was horrible!!!! Then to top it off, the school they sent him too wasn't good for his condition at all! The school was a school for over aged kids who are troubled. (the school board knew this and did what they did anyway....heated can you say I was!!!!) So we decided that we were definitely moving...In a week, we put our house on the market and in a week in was SOLD!!!!!! (wow God really that fast...lol) (Miracle 3)
In the meantime,as we were getting ready to move, he received a call from his first head coach about a position in Atlanta. (This coach has been trying to get hubby in Atlanta for about 5 years now.) This is perfect! Were moving and job offer on table that honestly was in a city that you can continually grow!!!!! We also found out that we were expecting a little one! (They say some babies come when you are going through...lol...smile) Needless to say, hubby got the job!!!!! So make to make these 6 months shorter on paper.....lol. We moved at the end of November an because we were able to sell the houses, we were able to take our honeymoon, go to DC to see our family and friends, and relax from months of trails (SO EXCITED I WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (Miracle 4)
So January began our new life!!!!!! Living in Atlanta, new job, expecting baby and just exciting because God is doing big things!!!!! Bigger than anything that me or the hubby could explain.....
So on our 6 month anniversary, (January 19) Hubby had his 6 week check up with his cardiologist. We just expected you know to say he is showing progress...the norm....Well much to say...GOD IS STILL IN A MIRACLE WORKING BUSINESS!!!!! The did an echo earlier than planned and we were so excited to hear that hubby is doing MUCH BETTER!!!! His heart is pumping at 40% now which means that we are 85% back to where we need to be. We still have a way to go, but he no longer has to have restrictions and most of all Hubby can do his love again, HE CAN COACH!!!!!!!! (Miracle 5,6,7,8,9,10......lol) The doctor was saying that coreg (the heart medicine) is a helluva drug...I'm saying, no doc...MY GOD IS A HELLUVA GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So 6 months of Marital Miracles!!!!!!!!!! Who would have ever thought that in 6 months of marriage we would go through all our vows in 6 months. (Not I!!!) I'm just happy that what could have broke us only made us stronger. Not only that...we now know why in 3 months we were married. We needed each other in these times and had we had not adhered to what God was doing....marriage wouldn't have come up because of all that was happening.....I'm just glad that God guided me in what to do (it wasn't easy) but I can say that being a wife and going through make it all worth while :-)
Wonderful...Wonderful...Wonderful...Keep the encouragement coming!
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome testimony. God bless you and your hubby and the little one too :-), Olivia
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sis!! God is soo good!!! :)
So encouraging, Dani!!! I enjoy reading your blog.