...or not quite. (Please allow a moment of transparency.)
I recently cam out of a 3 month rough patch with my husband. During this time I felt hurt and alone because he didn't seem to care about my feelings anymore. I know, that sounds childish. But it's how I felt. No matter howmany times I tried to communicate my feelings with him he just didn't get it, or worse, he got mad because he felt I was attacking his character. Eventually, I gave up trying and loneliness began to settle into my marriage. It was an awful feeling. My first year of marriage was great! It had its minor hiccups, but overall a great year. I guess we were in our honeymoon phase, but now its time for the "Happily Ever After"...that's supposed to last forever and I it was looking like hell. I started questioning myself, "Why be in a marriage that you feel completely alone in?" I don't believe in divorce, but I was ready to just be on my own...scarey hunh?
The day of reconciliation came when I called a like-minded girlfriend. She's our good friend, she's married, has the same religious and moral beliefs as I, and she and her husband actually met with the same minister/marriage counselor that we did prior to our nuptuals. Anyway, in telling her what we were going through I began to break down and cry...I hadn't cried in a looooooooonnnnngggg time. That showed me that I still cared. My friend just listened, reassured me, encouraged me, and helped me to finally have some peace. I think it was just the simple act of her listening that gave me peace. Well after this talk I was finally ready to talk to my husband...AGAIN.
It was a long and emotional conversation, but it was needed. It healed the hurt in our marriage, because it was all taking a toll on him also. We talked about our problems and found SOLUTIONS...TOGETHER. So, in the midst of my marriage drama what did I learn?
Do not stop at communicating your feelings to one another, but look for solutions together. People can talk all they want, but if nothing comes out of the conversation, then what's the point?
DO CONFIDE in a loving, trusting, like-minded friend. God puts people in your life for a reason. Ask God to help you discern those who are there for your good from those who are not.
Even a little bit of love is worth putting in work. Now I'm back in love, reunited with my best friend, reliving my honeymoon phase and am thankful. I hope I have encouraged someone today.