I think too many times we get caught up in thinking, “Oh well, he knows how I feel about him. He knows I appreciate him.” But does he really?
When is the last time you really thanked your partner for spending time with you? Or listening to you talk about your day? Or helping you around the house? Or going to work to help pay the bills?
I said to myself I am going to start making it a goal to openly thank my husband for all the things he would does around the house. When he wash the dishes, when he bathes our son, I want to thank him.
As I go about thanking him each day, I realized more and more all of the little things he does for me and our family. Of course, he does many big things too like going to work each day to provide for us. But he is also constantly doing other small acts of service around the house that I may not notice if I don’t make it a goal to thank him more
At first thought, it seems kind of silly and redundant to say thank you over and over again. I mean, he gets it, right? I’m thankful for him? Do I really need to say it a million times?But I noticed a big difference in our relationship; my husband and I are way more willing to help one another when we feel appreciated by the other. We wanted to be there for the other person. And in the end, those feelings of appreciation turns more into deeper feelings of love, love that is frequently expressed through our gratitude.
I feel like I am learning a very important lesson in sincerely thanking our spouses, partners, and family members that I hope to remember when times do get challenging. And I hope you also remember that “Thank You” often translates into “I Love You.” Which is truly a great feeling, gift, and blessing you can share with one another.
While I'm in the "thank you" mood, thank you Dani for sharing. We really should say "thank you" more. Even for the small stuff. It goes a long way to show people that we recognize their efforts and appreciate the time they took to do so.