First came Valentine’s Day, soon will come spring… you know what that means, love is in the air! I love (yea, I’m using this word a lot today) how around this time of year the magazines are full of articles on finding love, keeping love, making love… I thought I’d add my two cents as someone who believes they are deeply in love. (Or at least falling deeply in love.)
So I’ve had my share of dates, of thinking I was in love, of heartache; and I’ve only grown wiser to what I want out of a relationship and to finding the true meaning of love. It seems that too many people are using movies and magazines as a guide to what love is. For starters, your definition of love can’t be determined by someone else’s. Second, some people think they are in love a few times before they figure out what love is to them, and guess what, that’s ok. The best place to find love is to start with you. Ok, maybe you’ve heard that before; but it’s true. Want to find love? Figure out what you want out of life. To find love you have to have something to offer. It’s not about what moves you can do in the bedroom or the fact that you prepare him his/her their favorite meal on a regular basis. When you are ok with who you are as a person and know what you want out of life, you have a better chance of finding a person who will gladly partner up with you.
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