ENJOY every phase of life!
As shared by my sister Dani, I recently won the title of Mrs. Maryland International 2010 and as I celebrate this victory I also reflect on the accomplishments I have had over the years. I think of the highs and lows that each phase of life has brought me and I'm thankful for every ounce of it.

As a child I loved coming home from school to watch Power Rangers, Tiny Toons and Saved by the Bell. It was great having my brothers and every kid in my neighborhood to ride bikes with and to build forts in the woods. During my junior high years I became very active. I was in All-County and Tri-County band (woohoo Clarinet!), president of the "Just Say No" Club, and other activities. During these years I started my period (sorry if that's TMI) and had my first crush...looking back it was just a very precious time in my life. Then on to high school where I had school dances, homecoming court, was class president, student government, drama club, poms squad, drivers license, first date, first kiss and too many other things to list. Next came college and I took advantage of going to a school with 45,000 + students on campus. I went to every event whether it was a black frat or white frat, the Asian Student Association or the Puerto Rican or the Caribbean, the Black Caucus or the Latino Caucus...just all of it. I partied like a rock star at times (I was at Penn State multi-time #1 party school in the nation), went to church regularly and milked every second of being away from home and in my own little college world. Oh yea! I did get a degree too! Post college I got my first job and was making money. I went on trips and girlfriend get-a-ways as the mood hit and I was slowly becoming a career woman. I then met my now husband and had an exciting, loving, cute, christian courtship with him. He was the answer to my prayers...not for a husband, but for a person that I can grow in God with. My wedding day was beautiful, peaceful and memorable. I purchased my first home, started a new job, and went on to become Mrs. Maryland International. Now I know I just listed all the good, but I have had my share of pains.
I've experienced a house fire, backstabbing and lies, growing up with a brother with intellectual disabilities (cerebral palsy), my grandmother and cousin's tragic deaths (you wouldn't believe how tragic), and so much more. But despite it all I can still say that God has been good and I won't complain!
I encourage each of you to take a moment to appreciate every phase of life. Appreciate the good, the bad and the little things you never took the time to be greatful for before. As the old saying goes, "Our experiences make us who we are today."
Take a few moments and share with us some of your triumphs. I believe that by sharing our testimonies we uplift and encourage others.
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