Saturday, October 30, 2010


Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.
~Mildred B. Vermont

Being a Mom is one of the best things that has happened to me in my life. Being needed always by someone, a glowing glare in his eyes to say that he loves you no matter what, and most of all sacrificing everything to make sure that child has everything he needs.

No its not always easy but the tedious tasks are worth it. The sleepless nights, the poopy diapers, the nasty throw up, its all worth it!!!!

My son is such a character already and he is only 4 He laughs at his daddy when his daddy is yelling at the tv about a game. He loves to be on his stomach and he loves applesauce. And as soon as you look at him and start talking he will talk back at you and laugh. He yells to get your attention and as soon as he hears music he bobs his

Yes it only been 4 months but it has bee the best 4 months of my life and I cant wait for the rest of my life to spend with him, my husband and our future kids.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


"Lust has no conscience. It doesn't care if you're married, doesn't care about your responsibility, doesn't care if you're a pastor. It wants what it wants when it wants. It doesn't have to be because of lack for lust to take hold."
~Joyce Meyers

Infidelity seems to be one of the major causes of divorce or even just a major problem in marriages today. I thank God that I haven't experienced that but I know of people who have gone through it or who are even the person who's stepping out. We can all make our assumptions of what the problem or the issue was in that person's marriage but the fact of the matter is we don't know unless THEY, THEMSELVES tell.

I ran across an article of a known gospel artist Tye Tribbett. Tye Tribbett and his wife both were victims and the cheater in the marriage but they worked it out and are still hold on. I want to share this article with you all because I believe that it can help someone and can help us all to see how EASY/NOT EASY it is for lust to kick in. Its important to communicate and leave no room for anything to creep in.

Romans 13:13-14(AMP):Let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the [open light of] day, not in reveling (carousing) and drunkenness, not in immorality and debauchery (sensuality and licentiousness), not in quarreling and jealousy. But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah), and make no provision for [indulging] the flesh [put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [gratify its] desires (lusts).

Sometimes the things we can think are innocent can be the very thing that leads to our fall. This article to me is one that shows that NO ONE is more highly than others that things can not happen to them. We tend to look at leaders and people of higher class than we are and think that they can do no wrong, but the fact is they are just as human as we are and as much as we have to keep ourselves prayed up we have to do just as much if not more for them.

Here is the article. Take a read its worth it! Be Blessed!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Time for the happily ever after...

...or not quite. (Please allow a moment of transparency.)

I recently cam out of a 3 month rough patch with my husband. During this time I felt hurt and alone because he didn't seem to care about my feelings anymore. I know, that sounds childish. But it's how I felt. No matter howmany times I tried to communicate my feelings with him he just didn't get it, or worse, he got mad because he felt I was attacking his character. Eventually, I gave up trying and loneliness began to settle into my marriage. It was an awful feeling. My first year of marriage was great! It had its minor hiccups, but overall a great year. I guess we were in our honeymoon phase, but now its time for the "Happily Ever After"...that's supposed to last forever and I it was looking like hell. I started questioning myself, "Why be in a marriage that you feel completely alone in?" I don't believe in divorce, but I was ready to just be on my own...scarey hunh?

The day of reconciliation came when I called a like-minded girlfriend. She's our good friend, she's married, has the same religious and moral beliefs as I, and she and her husband actually met with the same minister/marriage counselor that we did prior to our nuptuals. Anyway, in telling her what we were going through I began to break down and cry...I hadn't cried in a looooooooonnnnngggg time. That showed me that I still cared. My friend just listened, reassured me, encouraged me, and helped me to finally have some peace. I think it was just the simple act of her listening that gave me peace. Well after this talk I was finally ready to talk to my husband...AGAIN.

It was a long and emotional conversation, but it was needed. It healed the hurt in our marriage, because it was all taking a toll on him also. We talked about our problems and found SOLUTIONS...TOGETHER. So, in the midst of my marriage drama what did I learn?

1. Do not stop at communicating your feelings to one another, but look for solutions together. People can talk all they want, but if nothing comes out of the conversation, then what's the point?

2. DO CONFIDE in a loving, trusting, like-minded friend. God puts people in your life for a reason. Ask God to help you discern those who are there for your good from those who are not.

3. Even a little bit of love is worth putting in work.

Now I'm back in love, reunited with my best friend, reliving my honeymoon phase and am thankful. I hope I have encouraged someone today.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Postpartum Depression

A lot of people don't realize that depression is an illness. I don't wish it on anyone, but if they would know how it feels, I swear they would think twice before they shrug.
~Johnathan Davis

Being a wife is such a wonderful thing. It comes with duties that maybe tasking at times but its a love and desire that makes it all worth it. Then here come motherhood. This is a whole other feeling in itself. Its such a beautiful feeling. To have someone who needs you for literally everything, sleepless night, doctor appointments, and those wonderful poopy Then when you add those two jobs together it becomes a responsibility that is one of hard work, sacrifice, and unconditional love. At times it can be overbearing, but its all worth it in the end.

I thought I would talk about postpartum depression because honestly I am dealing with a slight case of it.
Postpartum Depression:
a phychiatric disorder consisting of severe depression that can affect a woman soon after giving birth.

We have all heard stories of mothers who have literally killed their children because of this severe disorder. You know I must admit, I can't see how you can hurt something so innocent but I would lie if I said that the sadness or heavy feeling that the world is caving in isn't there. Its hard to write about this because I'm not one who is having the thoughts of hurting my child or ignoring my child. My son means everything to me and my life is not worth more than his. His safety and health comes before mines and I would lay down my life for my child. But I would be lying if I said that its not hard at times.

My hormones are crazy right now. Mixed emotions on Seriously, one minute I am happy go lucky the next I am so sad. There is so much that I would love to be doing right now but do to some things that are beyond my control (not dealing with my son) I cant do those things. It makes me sad because I feel incompetent. Like I'm not a good mother and wife. Like I'm worthless and am bringing nothing to the table. Even so bad that I may have a thought that my husband and son would be better off without me. Like maybe I move somewhere else. Crazy huh? Yeah that's what I say when I snap out of it. But I realize because of these hormones, my thoughts run completely out of control.

You never know how serious it is until you go through it. It really is life changing and makes you grateful for a lot. It really helps to talk to someone and even write it out. I love my husband so much because he listens and helps and prays with me and for me. I'm grateful that I don't have to go through this alone. And most of all I'm so thankful for my son. He is my everything and I cant imagine my life without him or my husband.

Love you guys and to let you all know writing these blogs are therapeutic for me and as I help someone I am helping myself. Be Blessed all :-)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Professionals Only Networking Event at Ibiza October 15th 7-10pm

Professionals Only Networking Event at Ibiza October 15th 7-10pm!!!!! A portion of the proceeds goes to two great charities. Hope to see you there. For more information and to purchase tickets visit under events!!